Our website uses cookies (cookies policy) to enhance the user experience and make navigating easier. We are making every effort to make the use of such cookies as simple as possible. When you utilize our services, you can also manage and control them.

What are cookies? (cookies policy)

Cookies are little text files that are kept on a user’s device when they visit a website. Furthermore, the web server can use it every time you access the page. Cookies are used to save time and make web browsing more efficient. From remembering login details to understanding your purchase order.

We’ll go over the impact of various cookies on the website. However, if you require additional information, please visit the following pages:

How does a website use cookies? (cookies policy)

Only the cookies that you authorize will be used by our website. Cookies can be managed through your browser. More details will be available later. We divided the cookies we employ into various categories using some of the existing guides:

  1. Performance Cookies.
  2. Functional Cookies.
  3. Marketing Cookies.

1. Performance Cookies

These are cookies that track how you interact with the website (for example, the pages you visit or if there is an error). It also assists in locating and troubleshooting the website. All of the data they collect is absolutely anonymous. It also helps us understand how our site operates so that we can make the required changes to make navigation easier.

These cookies will enable you to:

2. Functional Cookies

Our goal with these cookies is to improve the user experience on our website. You have the option to disable such cookies at any moment. These cookies are used by our website to remember certain settings or to provide services or messages that may enhance your online experience. When you visit the pages, they remember your preferred country or language and are not utilized for marketing purposes.

These cookies will enable you to:

These cookies will not collect any personally identifiable information about you for marketing purposes. Or information about your choices (such as user data) that extends beyond that specific visit.

3. Marketing Cookies

You can use third-party capabilities to limit the use of these cookies because they are managed by third parties. Cookies are sometimes used to link to other websites that provide specific services, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Google. Some of these cookies will tailor advertisements from other websites to your tastes.

These cookies will enable you to: furthermore

Additionally, you can accept or refuse the use of certain cookies on the website. You can also control them through your browser’s settings.

http://www.allaboutcookies.org/manage-cookies/ is a good place to start learning about how to do this. We will only read or write cookies that contain information about your preferences.

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